Sunday, May 3, 2015

Tanna -

The difference between the chiefs on Aneityum and Tanna is noteworthy. In Aneityum the chiefs speak through a 'helper' but do not speak directly with the visitors. Here on Tanna the chiefs give a handshake and speak directly with the visitors, and I can ask directly if it is ok to run a medical clinic, and if it is ok to be on their land.

There is also this strange phenomenon where there are blond black people here. Their hair has the same tight curls, but is very light. Rumor here has it that this is one of the only places that there are blond black people. Now there are only a small number of blonds maybe 10%, but they do really stick out.

For those of you looking at the weather the wind is howling, and the waves are crashing, but here in our harbor the water is nearly flat, and there are only gusts as the squalls pass.

Tomorrow we are off in a 4x4 to do some more remote clinics. As most of you know our cousin Kim is with us, and she is a chiropractor. There is a high demand for "adjustments".  I think they relate with the concept of 'healing hands' and believe in the concept of being healed by touch and magical powers.  My understanding is that as we move north this will become stronger and stronger.  Even in our brief visit to Fiji we were told about the magical powers of the Vanuatu people.


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