Friday, May 9, 2014

Mantas -

After a super fantastic breakfast of non-worm infested oatmeal Shannon spotted a manta swimming around. Fortunately we left the kayaks right where we finished with them so after grabbing a mask, fins, and a camera, (we basically sleep in our bathing suits), we were off!  Intrepid worked as spotter from the kayak, and would tell us where to go to see the mantas.  We got some fantastic videos and pictures.  What an incredible experience!! 

The mantas have these gigantic mouths that make them look a little fierce when they are swimming toward you. The plankton that they are eating are so big that you can see it quite clearly with your naked eye.  We reviewed how the mantas take the water in, filter it, eat the plankton, and send the rest of the water out the outtakes on their bottoms.

Good times!

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