Friday, May 2, 2014

Day 17 - Fish

Yes it is true, and not just one fish, but two nice tuna!! Shannon wound in one and at the same time Cassidy and I wound in the other. These were not the giants, but more normal sized. Already ate half a fish for lunch!! It was super delicious!

Now Valiant loves to fish, he loves to hold fish, and he absolutely loves to eat fish. Now the tuna has a strip of dark meat that tastes quite fishy. Most of the children will not eat it, but we changed its name to chocolate, and Valiant just loves it. In fact he eats more fish than anyone, and when there is fish for dinner don't even offend his sensibilities by offering him anything else!

During the dissection process of the tuna, two basically complete squid and a bunch of roe were found. Per Intrepid though the tuna did not have a heart, he took the whole tuna apart, and there just wasn't a heart!

Some of the other boats in the race have started to motor, so we are feeling pretty good that we still have some wind. We are hoping to make it in about 2 more days.


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