Thursday, March 19, 2015

Disaster Relief -

We are planning on heading to Vanuatu to help with disaster relief.  But first we will be heading to Samoa to get our refrigerator so that we can make tropical smoothies!  Then to Fiji to get food, fuel, and medical supplies before heading off to Vanuatu.

So if anybody is interested is coming please let us know!  We are hoping to be there by mid April.


Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Weather Update -

For those of you watching, we have another storm coming our way. It is a much weaker storm, but we are thinking a good warm up for anything big.

Everybody is super excited to get some more serious wind and rain. Integrity is probably the most excited and giving the count down.

We even had some lightening off in the distance last night. We are definitely loving the variety of weather that we are getting!


Cassidy Practicing Piano

Sunday, March 15, 2015

The People of Tonga -

The people of Tonga are a happy people. But they lack drive to be successful. And this is where the discussion starts. Would the Tongans be better off if they worked harder?

I see very happy people, with next to nothing, who grow their own food, are quite religious, and have good families.

Others see a lazy group of people who do the minimum to survive. So what is better? To be successful in a western sense? Or to be happy in a Tongan way?

The fact is that the driven Tongan who want western success find it quite easy to move to New Zealand or America and achieve their their own version of success. Due to this mass exodus the land is minimally developed, and many of the islands are uninhabited.


Our favorite Ha'api island

Climbing Palm Trees - 
Cassidy trying her climbing technique.